Read about our methodology & process 
  1. 01
    Institute a system-wide theory of change 
  2. 02
    Consolidate homelessness response systems under one regional authority 
  3. 03
    Become accountable to customers 
  4. 04
    Prioritize economic stability to reduce inflow 
  5. 05
    Improve customer outcomes through a comprehensive digital transformation 
  6. 06
    Design intake processes that are connected, customer-centric and radically accessible 
  7. 07
    Expand physical and behavioral health options for people experiencing homelessness 
  8. 08
    Create a defined public/private partnership utilizing a funders collaborative model 
  9. 09
    Increase access to 0–30% AMI housing 
  10. 10
    Create long-term institutional alignment across systems to serve people experiencing homelessness